spoilers ahead....

This disappointed me. I was initially accepting of the excessive wistful boomer nostalgia as kind of a framing device to introduce the character and then the "real movie" would start at a point. I even tolerated that it was getting a little self-indulgent, but then, the movie as advertised in the trailer simply didn't happen. The supposed plot was merely a minor aside to what amounted to a less interesting and more psychologically masturbatory version of Wonder Years. To try to be fair, the plot as advertised, kind of happens technically as interstitials to the real message and plot, which was: "I was a kid in Houston in the 1960s, and I think you should all give a shit.". It is this technically in the way if you were told you were getting "meat" and got Spam or potted meat. The "meat" is technically in there, just in nowhere near the way you hoped it would be presented.
Hell, even was this? The "it was a dream" ending could've even been tolerable IF they actually wanted to pursue the premise in the meanwhile. Not the fun sci-fi comedy I expected at all. I would rather watch Picard Season one again than this. It is Jack Black reading some Boomer's memory of how everything was awesome in their childhood with Scanner Darkly style roto-rooter animation illustrating all of it, and nothing happens. The animation looks like a Wiki-how article.